I recently had the misfortune of blowing a cylinder head gasket on my 1993 260E. While stripping the head off all but 4 of the head bolts loosened with the normal "crack". When the head was off I could find no blatant evidence of a blown gasket but as a precausion I had the head checked out and pressure tested. I recently aquired the vehicle and I also know that the engine was recently overhaulled by a automotive engineering company. When I re assembled I followed the Stage 1; 2; and 3 torque settings as prescribed in the Haynes Repair manual.
Does this have to be repeated after a certain time period as in other vehicles ie +- 1000 Km and if so what are the settings ?
Tx Eddie
Does this have to be repeated after a certain time period as in other vehicles ie +- 1000 Km and if so what are the settings ?
Tx Eddie