I've just bought a 1992 190D. It's got 294,000 miles on the clock. It's only had two owners though, one of the them, a local Sheffield company, had it from new for 9 years. It seems to be losing fuel, a slow drip, which looks to be coming down the block somewhere in the pump region. I've taken off the airbox to have a look but the pump seems fairly dry. anyone had experience of this?
I've just bought a 1992 190D. It's got 294,000 miles on the clock. It's only had two owners though, one of the them, a local Sheffield company, had it from new for 9 years. It seems to be losing fuel, a slow drip, which looks to be coming down the block somewhere in the pump region. I've taken off the airbox to have a look but the pump seems fairly dry. anyone had experience of this?