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Don't know if anyone can help but, just had the fuel pump replaced on the above car as the old one had sprung a leak, and now the car runs ran like a bag of spanners, and continually konks out.
The spark plugs are sooted up terribly, so I am thinking that maybe she is getting too much fuel.
First of all I was wondering whether there was an adjustment on the pump to regulate the fuel flow, but I couldn't see one.
All help most gratefully appreciated.
Don't know if anyone can help but, just had the fuel pump replaced on the above car as the old one had sprung a leak, and now the car runs ran like a bag of spanners, and continually konks out.
The spark plugs are sooted up terribly, so I am thinking that maybe she is getting too much fuel.
First of all I was wondering whether there was an adjustment on the pump to regulate the fuel flow, but I couldn't see one.
All help most gratefully appreciated.