Hi 190easy.
See you're still struggling with your vacuum lines. If you've no takers on this post, I can have a look at my 124 200E this weekend, it may be quite similar. How many tubes have you looking for a job to do? The white one (from the gearbox) fits to a connection on the top of the second branch (from the rear) of the inlet manifold, so that could be one less!
Cheers, Tom.
would appreciate any help whatsoever.... "stulc" recommended a merc specialist in east glasgow (t.j oneill) whom i spoke to yesterday and he was sure that he could have it running within hours of seeing the car(and that he was 99 % sure that the car would still run regardless of vacuum pipes....any idea?).....only problem is car is in a garage approx. 10 miles from and he said car would have to go to him rather than vice-versa and i was hoping a 190e owner who was local could arrange for my garage to view correct configuration of pipes on their vehicle rather than recovery from 1 garage to the next(approx £40-£50) + assoc. costs for repair.. however i appreciate any and all help i can get thanks for your reply...:smile:
T.J.O'Neill is your man he has been repairing mercs for years it might be worth getting the car down to him. as he says vacuum pipes shouldn't stop it from starting and running, without them the engine wouldn't idle and would run like a busted ass on low revs.
tom7035: sorry dont know how many vacuum pipes require"hook-up" as i towed car to garage mid nov. (when it still had some tax and plenty m.o.t ha-ha!,not much of either left now tho.) i am somewhat to blame however as i bought car from seller who had 1/2 attempted self repair then freaked out! and that is why my garage have no "reference point" as in "we didn't remove the head so we don't know how to fit the pipes" whereas they told me it would be £500+ (before vat and labour costs due to timing chain snapping and bending all sprockets by way of a parting shot) for parts alone to repair original engine and it would be cheaper for me and easier for them if i bought a donor lump which i did for £300 now they say its a bit trickier than they had imagined (i think i'm going to bite the bullet and give t.j o'neill the car as he comes highly recommended(from both you guys and as it turns out my-sis-in law who has "went there for years".and it would be better to have my car on the road before they outlaw fossil-fuel burning vehicles altogether!!once again thanks for all the tips and advice and hope fully i'll be behind the wheel of this nightmare before long(p.s)i have pics of the car and will post them if i can figure out how to......(i still reckon its worth £300...engine or not...ha-ha) regards colin(190easy)or maybe not so easy........lol
Yea I think you should try and get it there (tj's) if you can....I haven't personaly used them myself, but after reading the above and other posts...I will be!.
He's not very easy for me to get to either being in Cartyne, especialy if the car's running rough and having to fight through the traffic....
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