So, my egr broke, so I got a remap to map it out, worked fine for 20 minutes albeit shift points were at 3500 to 3600 rpm (not sure why!), then limp mode. Code was for glow plug not actuating, cleared and was fine for a short drive. Then I recalibrated the throttle valve actuator and it kept going into limp mode with no codes when I cleared the codes it was sluggish, worse than the stock map.
Tried to put stock map back on with egr delete and the same again straight into limp mode.
So I put the base map on again and obviously straight to limp as egr is broken.
Ordered a replacement egr which should be here tomorrow, and hopefully it will be fine.
But what I'm wondering is why the shift points changed from 4k to 3.5/3.6k with a performance remap on it?
And how can it go into limp mode with no codes?
Does the egr need to be functional even if it's mapped out? I would think not?
Any help is much appreciated.
So, my egr broke, so I got a remap to map it out, worked fine for 20 minutes albeit shift points were at 3500 to 3600 rpm (not sure why!), then limp mode. Code was for glow plug not actuating, cleared and was fine for a short drive. Then I recalibrated the throttle valve actuator and it kept going into limp mode with no codes when I cleared the codes it was sluggish, worse than the stock map.
Tried to put stock map back on with egr delete and the same again straight into limp mode.
So I put the base map on again and obviously straight to limp as egr is broken.
Ordered a replacement egr which should be here tomorrow, and hopefully it will be fine.
But what I'm wondering is why the shift points changed from 4k to 3.5/3.6k with a performance remap on it?
And how can it go into limp mode with no codes?
Does the egr need to be functional even if it's mapped out? I would think not?
Any help is much appreciated.