Help- Limp but no power loss


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Nov 12, 2020
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2011 C220 CDI BlueEff
Had my fuel control valve replaced today due to a idle misfire, which sorted The rough idle it but it still limps. Xentry/Star at the indie showing only a software update pending as a fault code and no other codes or faults. Clearing it and resyncing the valve sorted it for a few miles but its started again. Cylinder 1 was complaining but it disappeared right away.

Now, It ‘jumps’ when dropping from 2nd to 1st. It drives rough but will drive with power up to 3k revs and shift there.

Indie suggested updating the ecu as a first port of call via stealers but they want to do their own diagnostics first before they do updates.. do I let them work on my car?

anyone seen anything like this before?
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