I just chipped my W211 E220 CDi Estate


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Sep 18, 2007
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I just chipped my 05 W211 E220 CDi Estate and I thought I would share the experience. I used Simon Coe of www.ccctech.co.uk. 275 GBP all in seemed like good value.

Simon first removed the ECU and then took it apart (!). Using a metal rig, he read the EPROM file and emailed it to Austria. Within an hour or so, a new EPROM fuel mapping file was returned and Simon uploaded it to the ECU.

Fitting back into the engine bay was simple and the car started as usual.

Now the E220 Estate is a big old barge which is why I bought it (kids and all) and I had to get a small engine due to tax reasons (well, i didnt have to, but it made sense).

Simon reckons I get about another 25 bhp and a whole bunch of extra torque without damaging the economy. All I can say is that so far all this seems to be true. There is more oompfh in the mid range and the car is much quicker to pick up.

On the downside, maybe the engines a bit noiser at idle (? - hard to tell, it was a cold morning and the 4 pot was never the smoothest) and who knows what the long term relaibility holds (I'm taking the risk). I have informed my insurance people who only added an extra 50 quid to my insurance.

So, early days yet, but he seems to have done everything he said he would and without having to fit nasty aftermarket wires to the fuel injectors.

I'll let you guys know how I get on.


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May 12, 2004
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Interesting. Do let us know how you go on.
Is yours an auto or a manual. I'd heard that on autos, economy can drop which made sense. Also, how hard was it to explain to your insurance co? I queried this with mine a couple of years ago and got nowhere. Are they a bit more savvy now?


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Sep 18, 2007
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Mine is an Auto

Happily the latest model of the E220 CDi has a 170 bhp engine with the same insurance group so I *think* they took this as basis for the quote. I use Elephant . co . uk - they were the only ones prepared to insure my foreign born wife (! - she was born in the Republic of Ireland) - dontcha just love insurance companies!!

I think I may suffer a bit in fuel economy - but 10% or so is worth it for the extra oomph when you're full up with kids and luggage...

Has anyone else out ther in MB land had any experiences with chipping their cars?


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Sep 18, 2007
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** Update **

Here is an update on the E220CDi AG Auto Estate which was chipped about a month back

PROS - The car has been transformed - a lot quicker, picks up well in every gear, quite fun to drive for such a big old barge

CONS - fuel consumption is up - by about 10% - I use to get 40 MPG, I know get 36 MPG - I'm philisophical about this, I could well be driving quicker, and I havent had to change my car. Maybe the engine is bit louder at idle?

All in all , worth the 275 GBP i paid ...


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May 12, 2004
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M1, Outside lane, somewhere between Leeds and Lond
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Jaguar XF 3.0 S, LR Freelander 2, Fiat 500 & Fiat Panda
Thanks for the update. I'd always assumed that your results must be he case but people tend to be a bit economical with the truth, claiming better perfomance and better mpg - something I've always been very sceptical about, so it's nice to hear the truth. It makes a lot more sense.


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Mar 12, 2007
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I know its for a different car but I had a Freelander TD4 with a power box and it transformed the car. Think it had 112bhp as standard and went to close on 150bhp but the torque in creased by around 70lbs ft.

What I did notice was it was a lot smoother to drive, pulling out of a junction in first before the mod it would almost just bog down. After it drove more like a petrol.

My insurance comapnay had a list of options engine mods were rated as 10%, 20% etc it cost be £50 also well worth it.

As for fuel mine DID increase, maybe as I wasn't trying as hard to get to the speeds?

Either way if I had a derv I would go for it again.


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May 30, 2007
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Mine is an Auto

I use Elephant . co . uk - - dontcha just love insurance companies!!

I've just asked elephant about adding a Kleemann KD box to my CLK220 & they say they will not cover it.



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Sep 18, 2007
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Here is an update after 6 weeks of running the chip. Firstly, I've stoped using the 'S' mode on the sutobox - the car has heaps of torque now and the the 'C' mode which keeps the gearing taller works just fine.

Also, I've adapted my driving style to the new power (i think being in C mode helps, i think in S mode i was reving the nuts off of it in every gear just for the sheer hell of it) and the fuel consumption is back to where it was - in fact a recent 140 mile trip to Stanstead this christmas fully loaded gave me an indicated 44 mpg (at 75-80mph, mostly motorway)

The most impressive thing about the mod is BAGS and BAGS of torque - which suits a high geared autobox - ie the std MB 5 speeder in C mode. Also the confidence of just having to squeze the accelarator and ride the big wave of torque to pass something out is fab - the engine isnt nice at high revs (ie S mode - just more noise for not a lot more oomph), but great in the 1500-2500 rpm range and thats where the autobox keeps it when in C mode. Is it really just a 4 pot 2.2 under the hood.

As for insurance - dont MB offer a sanctioned Brabus kit now?


Senior Member
May 30, 2007
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Your Mercedes
SLC300 - C250d Estate 4 Matic & Z900rs
As for insurance - dont MB offer a sanctioned Brabus kit now?

Only for the 320, not for the 220 and certainly not for £275. Try adding at least another £1000 to that.


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