Newbie question as ii haven't actually got a Merc yet... but my Dad does
His is broken - C220 CDi year 2000, and I think this is worth a post.
Apparently there is a "rocker" on top of the engine housing a chip some wiring and then underneath, some injectors. All of which has melted (with the possible exception of the injectors). The car has just been serviced at 80k but this is component is not normally troublesome and therefore not checked.
The garage rekon that there was fire (or very high tempature) in this "rocker" (whatever that is?). The whole unit needs replacing and possible some (if not all) injectors! This is likely to be mega bucks.
Has anyone heard of anything thelike of this happening with a CDi engine before? I find it weird that such a major thing could happen to car without it shouing any sign until it wouldn't start on morning!?
Thanx in advancce
Newbie question as ii haven't actually got a Merc yet... but my Dad does
His is broken - C220 CDi year 2000, and I think this is worth a post.
Apparently there is a "rocker" on top of the engine housing a chip some wiring and then underneath, some injectors. All of which has melted (with the possible exception of the injectors). The car has just been serviced at 80k but this is component is not normally troublesome and therefore not checked.
The garage rekon that there was fire (or very high tempature) in this "rocker" (whatever that is?). The whole unit needs replacing and possible some (if not all) injectors! This is likely to be mega bucks.
Has anyone heard of anything thelike of this happening with a CDi engine before? I find it weird that such a major thing could happen to car without it shouing any sign until it wouldn't start on morning!?
Thanx in advancce