Loss of drive - S210 1998 E240

Marco Polo

Senior Member
Dec 28, 2006
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Your Mercedes
S213 E220d SE 4Matic
I have an S210 E240 1998 with 94K miles. A few days ago the autobox developed a whine which started up after about 10 miles from starting off. After leaving the car overnight, this did not re-occur until yesterday.

Today, I drove from Stockport to Leyburn, North Yorks - after about 120 miles, driving over the M62 and then across country, I slowed to do a right turn and was unable to pick up speed again. I tried to accelerate but it was as though somehow I was in neutral or slipping the (non-existent!) clutch - there was no drive, and there was the whining sound again.

I switched the engine off, waited a few minutes and then everything seemed OK and I was able to reach my aunt's house about half a mile further on.

A few hours later, I had to drive back to Stockport - the loss of drive happened a few times, some worse than others, but I was able to get home. A vibration also became audible from the gearstick at around 60 mph and the engine revs seemed to pulse occasionally when I tried to accelerate gently.

I have no idea what's wrong - think I will have to ask Steve at SPR Autos to have a look at it for me. Anyone any ideas?


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