Well guys - yet another small problem to tax me, with this lemon of a car that I appear to have bought....
She has recently started "thumping" on occasions. She only does it badly when she is cold, and it usually occurs in the first few miles of driving. Most typically is when you slow down to say 10 miles per hour to drift over a road hump, and when you go for the throttle again - she thumps, and it feels as though another car has tapped you up the rear!
The other times that she does it is if you have to brake sharply from a reasonable speed (around 40mph +), and then re-throttle quickly to gather speed again - this results in the biggest thump - and this feels like someone has properly whacked the car in the rear.
You can tell when it's going to happen.... If you brake from speed (like coming upto a roundabout), you can feel when the car has changed down to a lower gear, anticipating you pull away again and re-gather speed. If you re-throttle before it has come down to 2nd gear - woe betide you and you get a large thump... If you pause for a second, and let it come out of the high gear - no problem at all. There is NEVER a problem changing up a gear though.....
It has been suggested that the gearbox oil level is too low, and this is the cause of the thumping - does this sound right?
Thanks again for those kind enough to reply.
She has recently started "thumping" on occasions. She only does it badly when she is cold, and it usually occurs in the first few miles of driving. Most typically is when you slow down to say 10 miles per hour to drift over a road hump, and when you go for the throttle again - she thumps, and it feels as though another car has tapped you up the rear!
The other times that she does it is if you have to brake sharply from a reasonable speed (around 40mph +), and then re-throttle quickly to gather speed again - this results in the biggest thump - and this feels like someone has properly whacked the car in the rear.
You can tell when it's going to happen.... If you brake from speed (like coming upto a roundabout), you can feel when the car has changed down to a lower gear, anticipating you pull away again and re-gather speed. If you re-throttle before it has come down to 2nd gear - woe betide you and you get a large thump... If you pause for a second, and let it come out of the high gear - no problem at all. There is NEVER a problem changing up a gear though.....
It has been suggested that the gearbox oil level is too low, and this is the cause of the thumping - does this sound right?
Thanks again for those kind enough to reply.