Have been told by MB garage I need this. They tell me it takes up to three weeks to get and have been quoted 2000euro (in ireland) plus labour.Does this sound right? Is there any other options?
Assuming it does need one then yes that sounds right for a replacement. However why replace it? They can be repaired for 1/10 of that!
Google ECU repair and get some quotes. They all do mail order.
I was not give the option of repair but was just told that replacement was the only option offered. The car starts from cold in the morning but once warmed up it is virtually impossible to restart. Sometimes I have to leave it for 10-15 mins and then retry which is kind of awkward after filling up at the petrol station.
Does this cast any light on whether repair or replacement are in order?
Maybe I'm wrong, BlackC55 will know far better than me, but that doesn't sound like an ECU fault to me.
Sadly, when they don't know the true cause, they often just replace the ECU. Its a very common story - you fork out thousands for a new ECU and teh problem persists.
Remember, all an ECU is, is a collection of chips and other components. 99% of the time, failures are caused by burned out resistors (10p each) or a dry solder joint. Garages don't understand them and can't be bothered anyway (it's not their money) so they just replace, and most customers don't question it. But, ask yourself this.
If you have a £2000 plasma TV and it wouldn't switch on, would you throw it out, or would you get someone in to look at it first?
I'd start with a second opinion as this doesn't sound like the ECU to me anyway, but if it comes back down to that, do yourself a favour and contact a few repairers first. There are dozens in the UK and you'll save yourself at least £1000 for the inconvenience.
Its rather like my dashboard problem. Dealer quotes £850+ as it needs a new cluster and this is fine by me as she's under warranty (being fitted tomorrow). But during the conversations, and before I pointed out that MB would be paying, at no time did anyone offer me a repair or even mentioned that it was possible, despite them being under the impression that I was picking up the tab.
Because I know, if she wasn't under warranty, it would be in a box on it's way to bba-reman or speedofixer who'd sort it out for around £200!
(bba-reman also do ECUs!)
thanks for advice folks.
I am in no way technically minded.
Should I get the ecu removed and tested/repaired?
How do I check the ecu number?
Is this a cut and dried case based on the symptoms or is there a chance replacement will be needed?
Could I ask the dealer to warranty that replacement will solve the problem?
Is there insurance for this?
forgot to add now the wiper does not work. All I get is a purring sound but no wiper motion. Is this relevant to the ecu problem or otherwise? thank you.
had a second diagnostic done with an independent company and they say fault is ignition switch and that ecu are ok. Is this more what should be expected? thank you.
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