Here we go, driving home in the dark when some numpty coming the otherway over shoots a bend and comes onto my side of the road, now it's a country road and it's lashing it down. I swerve to miss him and he hits the drivers door with a massive bang. Great I think as I pull over ready to give this guy both barrells for driving like a dick only to find that hey, he didn't pull over. Thats strange I thought all decent type people pull over and apologise as they exchange details. But not this guy. He just carried on going his merry way as if nothing happened. Merry Xmas. Fortunatly he only broke the drivers door mirror, seems like the plastic over skin on the lower part of the door took the brunt of the impact. Just hope theres a sick looking Vectra out there with an equally sick feeling Vectra driver!
Now does anybody know where I can source a silver drivers door mirror for a W124 Coupe?
Now does anybody know where I can source a silver drivers door mirror for a W124 Coupe?