My 280SL when driven around the city oils the plugs up the miles it has covered seem to be only 86,000. Did these early engines wear quicker? Does any one lese get this problem?
Rev the nuts out of it now and again is the secret. All this running around town is no good for this sort of car which is designed to be turning over at 5000 rpm plus. From memory I think it is 6500 rpm max. They are beautiful engines when you get them humming along at there designed revs.
Mercedes-Benz Servicing, repairs, engine and diagnostics Wayne Gates - Mercedes-Benz, Unit F3, Phoenix Industrial Estate, Rosslyn Crescent, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2SP Tel: 020 8863 9233 Established for 20 years all vehicles washed and vacuumed.
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