Passenger seat unfolding problem


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Oct 19, 2020
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Your Mercedes
C220 Coupe 2011 2.2CDI
Hello, I have a small problem that is difficult to solve in my Mercedes!

The model is C220 Coupe W204, the problem is as follows:
When I fold and pull the seat for someone to enter the back seat, he previously "kept" the position in which the seat was so that when I unfolded it, he wouldn't go all the way back, but now that doesn't happen, now the seat all the way back and then when the passenger enters you have to adjust the seat again
In the driver's place this does not happen, when I pull back he is in the same position he was in, which is mine

The seats are manual, they just kept the position they were in and they didn't go backwards, but everything manually, so I think it's not a fuse problem

Does anyone know what may have been and what is the possible solution to solve this?

Attached is the video about the problem



Aug 24, 2024
Reaction score
Your Mercedes
2011 W204 C220 CDI coupe
Hello! I have the same problem, did you find any fixes for it?

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