Now that the price difference between petrol and diesel has swung the other way, what is the advantage of a diesel over a petrol engine, if any.
Stands back ready to get flamed...........................
A factor nobody has mentioned yet is the noise factor. I drove both a petrol and a diesel C class before deciding eventually deciding upon the petrol version. This was based purely on the fact that IN MY OPINION the diesel sounded like a taxi - which I didnt like. The petrol was quieter and more refined.
Its something worth bearing in mind.
Stands back ready to get flamed...........................
I agree the tank size for LPG is an issue but cars such as mine you can have a 70L underslug tank (although you probably get around 60L in it full), the other method to keep your boot space is a donut tank in the spare but these are around 45L (my dad had this in a C200 and the range was 200 Miles)
I think now you may fine LPG easier to obtain? as most garages have them and if you know the local farms and industrial estates you can often buy it much cheaper.
Horses for courses but petrol power and £28 for me to do 200 miles instead of £60 is good. Cost of kits and quality of the kits are better than they were also.
Agree with the noise issue, my dad has a 2003 320cdi Estate and while it does go well, round town or starting up it IS noisey, still amazed nothing can be done to make them sound better?
Line me up a mix of 20 cars on tickover. 10 petrol and 10 diesel, and I will pick out which is which 100% every time.
Enough said.....................
Its the compression ratio of about 20:1 that produces the distinctive diesel engine sound and barring having an engine made of about 6" thick cast iron all round to help absorb some of the knocking, will always make THAT noise. Its true more modern diesels are quieter, but thats mainly because their compression ratio is slightly lower than 20 years ago. So a little less noise. Some car makers are developing quite effective active noise suppression systems for within the cars cabin, but of course, that wont affect the man in the street. He will still hear the taxi go past, even if you as the driver or passenger dont.
Line me up a mix of 20 cars on tickover. 10 petrol and 10 diesel, and I will pick out which is which 100% every time.
Enough said.....................
Don't let's descend into debating points on this. I would have said just what you have posted only 1 year ago. But then I was lent the new S320cdi for a few weeks. I tell you if you try it, it will open your eyes. And it is not sound deadening. Stand next to one with the engine riunning and you will swear it is not diesel. No clatter at all. None. Then open the bonnet as I was asked to at a get together because all were so amazed. And still there is no clatter. Smooth, silky, incredibly silent.
With the A class, you have some diesel sound at rest especially when cold. I like it. And why care about it? as soon as it is moving you don't hear it. You just notice that you are doing 50mpg![]()
The diesel car may well be silent from inside at a motorway cruise, but when you accelerate you hear the noise. And that's the thing for me, it's not always a 'nice' noise. I like to have the roof and windows open when I'm driving and that lets the racket in. I was in Devon at the weekend and diesel was 12p more than UL. The 500 was doing 29 average on the way there which pleased me for such a car. That included the full NASCAR snarl when leaving the A303 roundabouts![]()
Its only all a matter of opinion anyway. Nothing to get worked up about. We all have out own agenda and criteria to meet, and thats all there is to it.
I am always open to have my mind changed, so maybe you are right.