Problems with 1985 Sl500 Auto box


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Feb 10, 2007
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We are pleased to have returned back to this MB owners site after selling our E280 W124 some years ago having purchased a 1985 SL500 today to enjoy driving around over the summer weekends but sadly not got of to a great start.:eek:

We have Problems with our 1985 SL 500 Auto box with 140,000 miles on the clock with full history

We picked up the car today from Portsmouth it appeared to be OK on test drive round town but on the way back home to Braintree in Essex the Auto gearbox would not change up resulting in the car getting hot and coolant starting to leak form the radiator when we stopped at the service station for fuel .

Luckily we had insured the car with Lancaster insurance which advertise on this site A big thank you to Lancaster insurance for a super service we receved today:p

The policy came with free breakdown cover a simple phone call to them to ask for breakdown assistance within ½ hour the breakdown truck arrived and the old girl car got a lift home to Braintree so the old girl is home with a full tank of petrol but we are not use the car until we find a fix for the gearbox problem. :(

We will check the auto box level on Sunday as a starting point suggestions most welcome.

Strangely the guy we purchased the car is not answering his mobile phone most likely still counting the cash from this dodgy deal.

Dave & Kellie :grin:


Dec 4, 2006
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1985 Sl500

I would first check the vacuum box pipe. Its on the left hand side of the transmission. Check the connection on the transmission and where it connects to the intake maniafold.


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Feb 10, 2007
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A update of the Auto box problems .

Took the car for a test drive the auto box is changes gear ok if I accelerate slowly from a standing start but sometimes it is not to sure which gear to use 3rd or 4th the engine RPM will pick up a bit which I think is due to low oil level in the Auto box.
If pulling out onto a busy roundabout the auto box will not change up and will stay in 2nd gear then if I stop the car turn of the engine and re start and pull away slowly all is well.

Kick down is intermittent which I think could be oil level or vacuum pipe or valve problems?

The economy gauge is not moving in the red all the time?

The engine is a little bit lumpy at tick over making it look like eric242340 is on the right track with a problem with the vacuum pipe being a possible cause of the auto box not changing gear.

I have not checked the auto box oil level how do I to extract the dip stick with the red cap covering the dipstick not moving?

I hope to get the car into our local garage C J Eley in Braintree for them to give it a good going over to see if we have any other surprises in store for us and a service.

Best regards

Dave _Kellie


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Mar 6, 2006
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East Scotchland
If the economy gauge is in the not moving then it is definately a vacuum problem.

There is a leak or a disconnected pipe somewhere between the manifold and the autobox.

The economy gauge and box are 'seeing' zero vacuum, zero vacuum = full throttle thus the box is hanging on to the gears as long as possible.

If you're not familiar with the vacuum system yourself, any place that knows their older Mercs should be able to sort it easily and cheaply.

As I've told many people, strange autobox behaviour doesn't necessarily mean a knackered box!

Happy motoring! :)


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Feb 10, 2007
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If the economy gauge is in the not moving then it is definately a vacuum problem.

There is a leak or a disconnected pipe somewhere between the manifold and the autobox.

The economy gauge and box are 'seeing' zero vacuum, zero vacuum = full throttle thus the box is hanging on to the gears as long as possible.

If you're not familiar with the vacuum system yourself, any place that knows their older Mercs should be able to sort it easily and cheaply.

As I've told many people, strange autobox behaviour doesn't necessarily mean a knackered box!

Happy motoring! :)

Hi all thanks for all the good advise you have given us so far:)

Done a google for a independent MB garage in Essex and found one close to me so will give him a call in the morning to see if he can help resolve the problems.

Bob Rains, Drakeswell Garage, Bran End, Stebbing, Essex, 01371 856391.who is fully trained ex- Mercedes man.

Best regards

Dave & Kellie :D


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Aug 16, 2004
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in the great , grim 'oop north
Your Mercedes
R107, S211, R170, C219
The auto dipstick has a lock on it

it's just below the red portion of the stick, and is like an over-centre clip. You will feel, rather than see as they are black, two flanges under the red top, pull these away from the dip tube by 90 degrees, in an upward direction to the red top of the stick. This could be in any orientation to the front of the car, as the top of the stick swivels to allow the stick to follow the tube path easily.

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