Strange thing pulling away


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2018
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W204 2013 C350 CDI Pan roof
Hope everyone is fairing up.

My car is getting services in a week, so will raise it then. this has happened about four time now, when I have pulled away fairly aggressively the revs shoot past 4k and nothing else happens, a bit like pressing the clutch. It only puts the power to the wheels once I come off the pedal and then apply.
the last time this happened i was pulling out of a junction on a slight include, pulled out onto the road and floored it, the revs shot up but I didn't really go anywhere.

My mechanical knowledge is poor, but isn't there something in the torque converter that connects to the gearbox that can play up?

Not sure if this is related but, when driving at about 30, if i come off and on the gas, it feels like it goes from no power to power, ever so slightly, so slightly jerky.

I hope my explanation makes sense!!


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
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there are many clutches in the autobox like a motorbike (wet multiplate), the trans oil applies and holds, releasing and letting go to get different ratios.... low or dirty oil won't help.... but I'd expect you'd notice a leak and the dirt is a consequence of them working too hard and things wearing.....

"adaptions" to the hydro-electric solenoids than actuate things in there try to work around issues. the fill times on these can be seen in diagnostics.... you can get to a point where the time to fill and getting the required response falls outside spec and things play up

the solenoids play up quite a bit, you might need some new ones (don't expect any normal dealership to know anything about this) the wear creates dirt and debris more and more, and dirty oil rips up seals and o rings till fill times are too long, more slippage and more wear happens

if you have a dying solenoid and you haven't been ragging it around this slippage you could be lucky, otherwise clean trains fluid and a filter and some manual tweaks to the adaptions might get away with it for a bit....

I just read a bit about my old omega's.... seems the petrol V6 got a stronger box and is the one everyone wants for the 2.5TDi (bolts straight in). Absolutely mad as the TDi puts out much the same torque and in normal driving applies much more of it more of the time. (I had both) And when chipped the tractor .... And there was an update to the gearbox brains neither of mine ever had (yet all the owners claims wonderful benefits)
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