Swapping Diff for a different Ratio Diff.


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2006
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Your Mercedes
2014 639 Viano- 651, 5sp Auto. 2009 S211- 646, 5sp Auto.
Viano 2.1 CDI presently with the 36:11 diff.
Not diagnosed conclusively but pretty sure it's that that's whining.

My choices are to refurb this one, the simplest course.
Or replace with a 38:13 diff from the 3.0 CDI.

That would drop the revs by nearly 11%. So a remap would be advantageous following that.

Is a diy recon of the existing diff feasible?
Is there anything super technical / set up equipment required that would make this not feasible?

I have access to Star, if I choose the 3.0 diff option can the ECU be told of the new ratio?
Does this need to go online for that?

I would aim to replace the diff bearings of the 3.0 diff prior to swapping.

WE HAVE NOW MOVED: 8 Hazel Road, Woolston, SO19 7GB
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