T1 (TN) also known as the Bremen. Tough van in its day. Doesn't the front grill and the cabin cover come off easy to gain access?
Removal shouldn't be too difficult as plenty of room to lower the engine/gearbox unit.
yes the front panels bolt off (slam panel, grille etc) and the centre of the cab below the dash unclips and removes. i had the misfortune of having to change an engine on the bigger 408d a few years ago. cant remember to many details im afraid. i just remember it was a sod to do coz the guy wanted a turbo bolted on so there had to be oil feeds, floor alterations pipes to fabricate etc! i never want to see that van ever again!!!!!
as regards lowering, the engine i changed lifted out the front on a wheeled engine crane. the 'box should lower off the back easily enough, especially if you hae the engine out 1st. best way will probably depend on what youre wanting them removed for!
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