Vege oil taxation

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Senior Member
Jan 20, 2003
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There has been a load of rubbish spoken on this newsgroup about paying tax on vege oil. Maybe at one point in history it was OK to pay tax up to a year in arrears, but not now. It is illegal to use vege oil as a road fuel (at any ratio with diesel) without registering as a substitute fuel producer FIRST. To do this have a look at

Once registered, tax is paid every month. Records must be kept on how much oil you buy or make. Tax is paid on oil that has been bought for fuel use in that month (i.e. you may end up paying tax on oil before you end up even putting it in the tank), or if you are recycling waste oil you pay tax when it is ready and set aside for fuel use.

As for evading tax, I don't believe there has ever been sniffer dogs or Frying Squads, and they are unlikely to crush your car if caught. However, they can read newsgroups like these, and if supermarkets decide to report people for clearing their shelves then I am sure they will act on this information. Tax evasion is an imprisonable offence or at least there would be massive fines. If you don't think it could happen to you then read this Besides, I was happy to pay the tax as it wasn't very much and it was worth the peace of mind.

I personally found it pretty easy to register, keep records and pay the tax for the couple of months that I had my car, and would be happy to help anyone wishing to register with the ins and outs of the system.
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