Having thought quite a bit, I have decided to buy one! I am probably going to go for a 1998/1999 CLK, for around £5000-6000 and 70-80k on the clock. I am just worried about a few things.
1. I am scared that it may cause problems being an older model and having high miles (80k+)
2. I plan to keep the car for at least 2-3years so I will have done 20k more in those two years bringing it up to 100k. Have these models got the bullet proof reliability of the older classic mercs?
3. Finally, what should I look out for when on the hunt, especially test-driving or looking at the car and its service history?
Thanks in advance.
1. I am scared that it may cause problems being an older model and having high miles (80k+)
2. I plan to keep the car for at least 2-3years so I will have done 20k more in those two years bringing it up to 100k. Have these models got the bullet proof reliability of the older classic mercs?
3. Finally, what should I look out for when on the hunt, especially test-driving or looking at the car and its service history?
Thanks in advance.