I have a 1976 W123 300D I bought 2 years ago as a hobby/DIY car. It is fitted with the old loop style glowplugs. I decided to change these for the pencil type plugs- a common conversion. I patiently removed the plugs one by one leaving the middle, hardest to get at, till last. All the plugs were very tight. the last one to remove of course turned out to be a problem. With about two threads left to go before removal, the outer metal part of the plug separated from the inner ceramic core and started to rotate seperately. The outer case of the plug will now turn by hand but the inner core is stuck solid so the whole thing will not come out of the cylinder head. I have read in the Mercedesshop forum that this is not that uncommon. Does anyone reading this have experience of the problem and has had it sorted by a garage. It is a fairly easy engineering job, you just need the right tools. ie a suitable slide hammer and a tap to repair the last two threads if necessary. What I don't want is a dealer telling me the head has got to come off!