W124 230TE-uneven idling/poor cold starting and cheap aeriel

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New Member
Jun 26, 2003
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Anyone help with 230TE, J reg?

1) I have poor cold starting with several seconds of cranking - always starts but it's rough until I get going. Also, even when warm, when stationery it idles unevenly producing an annoying vibration as if its not idling fast enough - dial reads about 700rpm. Drives ok and pretty smoothly though

2) Someone has snapped my electric aeriel. £190 to replace at main dealer. It looks easy to fit a new one but does anyone know where I can buy a reasonably priced one?

3) annoying ongoing leak in boot causing windows to mist up. The carpet above the pull up lid to the main boot compartment is wet and there is sometimes a bit of water in Tyre well?

Grateful for any help!



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Re: W124 230TE-uneven idling/poor cold starting and cheap ae

philipost said:
Anyone help with 230TE, J reg?

1) I have poor cold starting with several seconds of cranking - always starts but it's rough until I get going. Also, even when warm, when stationery it idles unevenly producing an annoying vibration as if its not idling fast enough - dial reads about 700rpm. Drives ok and pretty smoothly though

Do a search for poor starting as this topic has been covered many times recently.

philipost said:
2) Someone has snapped my electric aeriel. £190 to replace at main dealer. It looks easy to fit a new one but does anyone know where I can buy a reasonably priced one?

You can buy a replacement mast on its own for about £20 from your local stealership which you can use with your current electric motor.

philipost said:
3) annoying ongoing leak in boot causing windows to mist up. The carpet above the pull up lid to the main boot compartment is wet and there is sometimes a bit of water in Tyre well?

I'd check the seal in the rear glass, the sun roof un offs and also make sure that the roof rack/runners are correctly sealed.


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2003
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1) Cold starting problem - first check the OVP relay. This is a silver relay with a red or black plastic top, which has a flip lid with a 10Amp fuse inside. The relay is situated behind the battery- there is a black plastic panel which you can simply pull out and you will see the OVP relay. Check the fuse - this relay protects the cold start system as well as the ABS system and if fuse is blown, cold strat system is disabled giving poor cold starting. It could be that fuse is ok and OVP relay is bad or has corroded contacts - clean the contacts with a wire brush.

2) and 3) could be related, i.e. the seal at the base of the antenna may be bad or damaged when someone busted the aerial and water may be creeping in through there. Otherwise, water can creep in through the rear tailight lenses due to perished lense seals, or through the bootlid seal which could be bad too. Final place is the rear windscreen, where a bad seal could let water in via the rear bulkhead. Best thing to do is grab a torch and get inside the boot, close the lid and have someone spraywater over the rear of the car and see where it's seeping in from.

If it is just the mast that is broken on your antenna, then you can get a replacement Hirschamnn antenna mast from MB for approx 40 pounds. You will have to open up the aerial gearbox and replace the mast, but it's not difficult. There's noneed to buy the entire unit if it's only the mast that is broken.

Otherwise, buy an aftermarket electric antenna from ECP for approx 30pounds.

I'd get an original Hirschmann mast from MB and just replace the mast. That way, you have the original antenna with the original loom connections all intact. With an aftermarket antenna, you'll have to modify the loom connections etc etc.
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