W140 documentation

Jun 15, 2006
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Great Gransden, near Cambridge
I have recently acquired a 1993 600 SEC and am looking for a workshop manual/CD rom/microfiche. I have tried lots of websites but nothing. Are there any other options and I would also be interested in finding an original options list.

If anyone has any ideas be most welcome


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Dec 16, 2005
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Graham Chapman said:
I have recently acquired a 1993 600 SEC and am looking for a workshop manual/CD rom/microfiche. I have tried lots of websites but nothing. Are there any other options and I would also be interested in finding an original options list.

If anyone has any ideas be most welcome


Congratulatios on the purchase. I am in the process of looking for a CL/SEC in the 140 series so if you have any tips/comments or recommendations, I would be most grateful.


James (London)
PS: I had had a brief look for the same thing and had no luck - maybe the US would be able to assist (albeit, they would be for LHD)
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
Great Gransden, near Cambridge
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Well, I did everything wrong but seemed to be OK. I bought it on ebay, didn't get chance to see it but there was a lot of questioning. It's a 1993 600 sec as I wanted the V12. Paid £5300 which I think is cheap and decided I'd ditch it if it was a lemon, but I have specialised independent.

It didn't have much service history for the last 40,000 miles as the guy, something of an enthusiast, looked after it himslef with a local mechanic.

I have had it fully suerviced and the only untoward thing was new discs and pads. Otherwise, all seems well with a few niggles to address:

- running slightly hot probaly due to fan coming in late
- A/C works well but seems to ice up, the only thing needing urgent attention
- door sealing mechanism on passenger door works intermittedly, probably micro switch in door
- new electric aeriel
- one door mirror doesn't fully adjust remotely

Otherwise, all the electric gizmo's work, which is really important and I will have bumpers and a few scratches re done (for £450) and the alloys refurbished (£300). I reckon for £7000 I have a reall gem with 100,000 on the clock.

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