lets see... first assumption, car is yours. So it must be signature c220d since clk200 had no turbo. Next is multiple choice task... is it W202, W203, W204 or W205? Part number for wastegate solenoid; this is also a difficult one since VNT turbos of W203-W203 has no such thing. So its early W203 or W204/W205. There we have 3 different engine possibilities.
... ok I am not continuing this further, since your handheldwhateverdevice cannot pinpoint culprit. Probably even SDS cannot; a few tests should be done, because that fault can be triggered any problem in charge pressure system. Very often in is just leak on boost pipes (split, loose joint etc). Then it can be faulty EGR which is passing air through when it should not - boost pressure is not what ecu wants. Then in can be turbo controller itself. Which, in case of universla code readers is ALWAYS translated as a wastegate solenoid fault, when actually it can be VNT controller. Which again leads to one more problem - if turbo is electrically controlled, controller unit has no separate part number. Dealer change always whole turbo unit so your 'part number' is turbo part number. Though refurb controllers can be found, and diesel garages do repair them.
Get it diagnosed by indy who understand modern diesels AND knows mercs specialities.
Mercedes-Benz Servicing, repairs, engine and diagnostics Wayne Gates - Mercedes-Benz, Unit F3, Phoenix Industrial Estate, Rosslyn Crescent, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2SP Tel: 020 8863 9233 Established for 20 years all vehicles washed and vacuumed.
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