I have white smoke that intermittently comes out of the offside front below the front bumper and by the wheel. It only seems to happen when the car is stationary and with the engine on or off (it gets blown out by a fan when I turn the ignition off). Sometimes it's a wispy smoke, other times more dense, but is accompanied by a whiff of sweet-smelling diesel. I think it only happens when the weather is cold! A local MB independent suggested it might be the cat. failing, but I was hoping that you guys (or gals) might have other ideas that don't involve spending loads. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
The car is year 2000.
I have white smoke that intermittently comes out of the offside front below the front bumper and by the wheel. It only seems to happen when the car is stationary and with the engine on or off (it gets blown out by a fan when I turn the ignition off). Sometimes it's a wispy smoke, other times more dense, but is accompanied by a whiff of sweet-smelling diesel. I think it only happens when the weather is cold! A local MB independent suggested it might be the cat. failing, but I was hoping that you guys (or gals) might have other ideas that don't involve spending loads. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
The car is year 2000.