Winter preperation for a 4 year old E200

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Sep 12, 2003
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Hello all, thanks for everybodys replies to my preivious post, just got one or two more questions if any body can help.

As I can't be sure of the history of our E200 I thought it best if I do a little work on it before winter sets in.

It is a 99 E200 with 47,000 miles, last dealer serviced at 30,000

I have already changed the oil for 10w/40 magnatec the oil and air filter and the plugs at 45,000 miles which is when we bought it and am currently running red-ex through the system as it seems to be using a lot of fuel, it is on its 3rd treatment and the car is a little bit running better, not sure about the fuel economy though.

I plan on renewing the water and antifreeze as according to the service guide it has never been done, are there any special procedures to follow, I have done this many times before on my other cars but they all have clear expansion tanks so you know exactly what is going on but on the Merc it is black so do I fill it until it is full or is there some way of knowing how much water you have put back in.

I also plan on cleaning up the carb, I had idling/fuel economy trouble on my Escort Gti at 40,000 as it had sooted up, cleaned it and car ran much better so thought no harm in doing this on the Merc as it has done even more miles.

Should the 2 ignition coils be replaced, I know on most they recomend replacing the HT leads every 4 years but technically it doesn't have any as the coils sit right on top of the plugs?

The other non technical thing is on the dash to the left of the speedo there is a + and a - button that don't seem to do anything, anybody know what they are for?

And finaly is there anything else you can think of for me to check/replace, I always think it is best to do this work before things get a chance to go faulty as last thing you need is a car that won't start on a frosty morning.

Thanks in advance for all of your help.

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