Hi guys,
Had some issues with a low battery in the boot of my R230 so am charging it with a CTEK charger at the moment. Just wondered if I had to buy a new one what the price would be so took a photo of it and the battery model is A0009823108 (Genuine Merc part).
However, when I google this...
Hello, looking for some technical advice.
I've a 2015 E250 Diesel and I began to have a "aux battery malfunction" show up, so I replaced it with a new battery the shop recommended (not a genuine MB type but same spec). Now all the options work ie. Hold brake, parking available indicator...
Hi Folks,
The last few days I’ve been getting the red workshop battery warning on my dash. Some Googling suggests it could be the Aux battery. The car is a 2005 E270.
I understand that the main battery should be disconnected before the Aux. Can anyone confirm this? Also, where do I find the...
Hi I have a 2012 w204 c class.
I have started getting more and more electrical issues that have started intermittent and now become permanent.
1. start/stop has not worked for a year or so
2. Automatic door unlocking no longer works, the doors lock when I start driving but do not unlock when I...
I have used this forum before and had a good time getting help and feedback for my merc.
So i am need once more for an error that has come up this morning on my cars instrument cluster.
Can someone advise what this error means please and what i should do about it. Is the car driveable...
The Aux Battery has been replaced twice and within a couple of months on each occasion I get the Aux Battery Malfunction message.
Any ideas on what could be causing this. All kinds of tests have been done by the dealer and nothing found ?
Thanks in advance
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