battery dead

  1. C

    Help with battery / alternator / parasitic Drain? C200 cdi sports coupe (2003) C200 CDI OM611

    I'm writing in trying to identify what exactly is failing. Have had this trouble for a while, where I leave the car for a day or two then it simply won't start. I accessed the UB readings today and found that when everything is off, it reads around 11.5 V. When I turn ignition on, the voltage...
  2. P

    Need some help recharging/finding a new battery (GLC250 Petrol, 2018 reg, 1991cc)

    Hello I have a GLC 250 petrol version. I need help with choosing the correct car battery. Recently I had to stay out of the country for a couple of months and now I'm back in the UK. Naturally, the car was a nonrunner and the battery has completely died. I called the breakdown service and the...
  3. M

    230ce Coupe Ignition troubles

    Hi there, Having some issues with a 1992 230ce Coupe! Cars been off the road for a few months and left unused in the garden til today. Knew there was gonna be an issue getting the battery going so had another car (a golf) to try and jumpstart it. Car battery had no trouble going and electrics...
  4. E

    CL500 - Can't get in

    The battery is completely dead on my 2003 CL500, and I can't open the doors, trunk, or hood. The windows need to go down a little in order to be able to open the door. The blade on my key isn't opening the doors or trunk. If I could get access to the trunk, I could probably jump the battery...

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