
  1. N

    W639 115 CDI MAF Mystery Any help greatly appreciated!

    Hey guys. Had my 07 Vito for around 4 years its done 184,000 and an absolute beast still. Although I'm having some problems with the MAF. In low gears the, especially 1st gear, the van jumps and jerks like it cant breathe properly. Connected a OBD with live data and the MAF data was erratic...
  2. H

    1998 E55 cuts out after start... Restarts fine Runs Ace

    Well the title sums it up really 1998 E55 cuts out after start... Restarts fine Runs Ace So every 3rd time or so, I start the car from sitting - warm or cold - it will cut out. It can immediately be restarted and there are no other symptoms of any issue It surges down the road just fine...
  3. T

    Mystery connectors beneath my Stereo..?

    Hi folks! I've discovered two mystery connectors underneath the Stereo in my old 300TE 24. Here's some pictures :-

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