R129 300SL 1990 Indicators not working

leon B

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Feb 17, 2024
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Mercedes R129 300SL
I am currently recomissioning my R129 300SL 1990 and come across an issue with my indicators. I have no indicators but all other lighting and electrical components work. I have changed/checked bulbs and fuses. Any advice welcome.


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The N10 combo relay was a favourite for issues with lighting, rear demister and wipers on R129's and other models of that era. You can split them open and check for dry joints on the pcb and also clean the relay contacts. You could try applying some side pressure on the relay with the indicator on to see if it bursts into life. Others have reported possible stalk issues in the past as well.

Have a look in the DIY section of the forum.
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leon B

leon B

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Mercedes R129 300SL
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Thank you. I did look at the No10 but it looks like someone has been there before me and there is some damage to the clips. |I have tried to pull the relay but can't establish the right technique. I didn't want cause any further damage. I guess there is a method to opening this relay? positive is all wires are connected.

Thanks for the replay, much appreciated.


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Oct 24, 2004
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Home : Derbyshire at the moment !
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R172 250CDI Gone..!, R129 SL500 Gone...
The relay isn't a straight pull like the other modules - its on a sort of umbilical cord and just "sits" in the slot so you have to get behind it to disconnect the two plugs.

From memory, 10 years back now, you remove the fuse box cover, remove screws around fuse box and this can be lifted forward so you can get your hand underneath. I think you also have to pull all the smaller relays so the holder will lift slightly as well. You can then get your hand under the N10 and feed the umbilical cable through whilst pulling the relay. Once you have enough cable fed so you can see the plugs attached to N10 you remove the smaller front plug with a straight pull and then the larger plug is a a diaganol slide away from the relay. Be careful you dont hold the latch and disconnect the wires - that's a world of pain!

I did write up on the carnage I caused when I delatched my cables on the below link. There are some good pics from others which should give you clues


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