paulcallender said:PS If you're so upset about someone driving over 70mph, maybe you should write to your MP and suggest manufacturers fit speed limiters to cars....and see how popular you are then.....LOL
dont want to sound a bit boring but My Merc has a speed limiter fitted. and it also has me too. which allows me to chose whether i shall avoid speeding by setting it, or risk speeding by letting the left boot get a bit playful with the throttle. Writing to your MP will not help. if they were to comlusory fit speed limiters like mercs do, then they would remove a income generation scheme. to offset this lack of finance they would up the tax. at least this way only those who get gatso'd pay towards the country, in political speak that means they who break the law subsidise the law abiding rest of us. or at least thoes of us who dont get caught.