
  1. I

    Hazards flash and then the boot opened on its own

    Hi, the hazards on my 2017 GLE flashed without any sound and once they stopped flashing the boot opened on its own. Would anyone know why this might have happened?
  2. I

    All Terrain Tyres for GLE

    Hi folks, just bought a GLE 350de. Its going to be based in Cumbria will be doing a lot of farm track / fields. i would ideally like to fit all terrain tyres to the existing multi spoke rims but Mercedes are not saying if this can be done. Does anyone have experience of this please? Did you get...
  3. Lee Edwards

    Hello new

    Hello to all ,new to this
  4. Lee Edwards

    Gle350d 2016 airmatic

    Hi, new to club . I have a Gle 350d p+ 2016 . Airmatic 23k miles Please can someone direct me to a post regarding my problem. I have read many threads and can’t find anything. The airmatic has malfunction. No leak, not sagging, level . Not fuse or relay. Normal first thing in comfort, until...
  5. S

    GLE250 Windows opening by themselves?

    Hi I am new to the club and forum and was wondering if anyone else has had a problem with their windows opening slightly by themselves. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to this and it is very intermittent but it's damned annoying to say the least. Any help from anyone or info gratefully...

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