
  1. A

    Molly the CLK 320 W208 Coupe

    Hello and hope all are well I have had fuel coming from bottom of car just from pan underneath fuel pump or maybe a little back from that towards boot. Have had the feel pump and pipes checked and no body can see a leak. Have been told it may be coming from tank but just wanted anybody...
  2. M

    W209 CLK320 starting issue

    Hi all, I have an intermittent starting issue with my '03 CLK320. About 25% of the time, when I turn the key to start the car, all the "position 2" stuff happens like normal (the steering lock comes off, the dash powers up, the seatbelts come out etc.) but when I turn it to position 3 to start...
  3. K

    Help needed !! Major

    Why hello, i got this clk320 2002 that I just replaced all the front end suspension components then it hit me. Alignment. Soo. Can you use the good old fashioned stringline around the car thing or is there some serious adjustment to be made also if anyone know me the torque for the axel nut that...
  4. Nic_s81

    Installing a aftermarket radio system

    Good day to all I’ve been trying to figure out, wether my CLK (W208) has a 2 din or a 1 din. As the original owner paid for a lot of the options which one was the sat nav system with the radio and telephone, but the current problem with it is it won’t turn on. If anyone has any idea what is...
  5. I

    Electrical fault on 2003 CLK320 convertible w209 where do I start?

    Hi everyone, finally signed up been going through these forums offline for so long thought it's about time. I've just bought this mercedes clk320 convertible, with a gearbox issue, which has now been resolved. However, all these electrical issues have come up on their diagnostic which I need...
  6. Andybliss

    2004 CLK320 avantguard convertable original wheel size

    Hi all, I’m new here but need to find out what the original wheel/tyre size of my 2004 CLK320 avantguard convertable, it has aftermarket 19’s on it at the moment but handles and rides terrible so want to take it back to factory, can anyone help me please? Thanks in advance for any advise you...
  7. S

    A209 CLK320 2003 roof not quite closing correctly by rear windscreen

    My roof closes fine but at the very last moment when the fabric tucks into the rear windscreen, a small section of material about the size of half a golf ball bunches up and sits as a clump on the outside edge of the rear windscreen on the lower right hand corner. If I stop the mechanism from...
  8. S

    In the market for a Cabrio CLK

    Hi All, Hope you're keeping well! I've recently noticed an unbelievably low prices on some CLKs on AutoTrader. I read a bit (or a lot) on the models and following an opinion which I found largely asserted here on this forum, I'm thinking the right model is CLK320 - people cite its engine is...
  9. P

    Weird Aircon problem, CLK320

    I have a problem with my CLK320 aircon in that, for about five weeks now, I have been getting no air from the vents/outlets. It doesn't matter whether the A/C is on or off, or whether it's on Manual or Auto. The fan runs fine, but there is virtually no air exiting - UNLESS the Recirc button is...
  10. F

    clk320 (W) starts then stops when reved

    I have w reg 2000 clk320, it has started and run perfectly, after some great advice from forum members, until today when it started then stopped when revved! also the engine then turned over but did not start. I left it for a while and it started ok, but stopped again. Any help please?
  11. M

    Help ! 99 Clk 320 limp mode

    Hi All, I have just joined this forum in the hope that maybe i could get some assistance. Basically I have owned a 99 CLK 320 for a number of years. Lately it has started to cause a number of issues. Firstly the Dials ie the Speedometer & the rev counter behave erratically. Jumping up and...
  12. P

    Clk320 1999 Petrol 13MPG and other niggles

    Firstly a hi to everyone and to to say that I love the forum and have read mountains of info already. Wasted the first 40yrs of my life not owning a Merc but have rectified that and have a 99 Clk320 W208. I love it and will be owning more no doubt/with any luck! BUT Here are the niggles...
  13. F

    clk 320 cutting out, not starting

    Hi I have 2000 reg clk 320, which has been running great. However after topping right up with fuel, it now plays up, when starting it turns over but will not catch and when eventually it does go, it cut out and then turned over but would not fire up. Hand to be lifted back to home. Please any...
  14. J

    CLK 320 Clock

    Hi, I have a 2004 CLK 320 (Without Command) and the clock changes twice per year based on the older daylight saving time standards (current standards minus 1). We in Arizona do not participate in DST so I wish to turn off this feature. The owners manual states that the DST On/Off choice...
  15. I

    removing the heater blower motor

    hi just joined, i have a 2000 clk320 that i have had for the last 4 years, bought it of ebay and it's still working! although the heater blower motor is playing up, worked intermittantly for a while and has now completely stopped.followed a few threads to see the best way to take the motor out...
  16. L

    reset rev limiter CLK320 (moved)

    Have a 99 CLK320 which didn't drive for a long time. As such several malfunctions appeared which seem to have corrected themselves now. But there is now a rev limiter operating. Anyone know a simple way to reset this, or is it a trip to the mechnanic? Thanks, Luke
  17. M

    1998 CLK 320 Alarm Problem

    When I arm the alarm it immediately sets the alarm off (both horn sounding and indicator lights flashing). I am having to secure the car by locking with the key. Can anyone advise of what could be causing this problem. Thanks MIFFSMIFF
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