
  1. T

    ABC leak near pump

    2003 CL500 Okay I have read countless posts and stuff about the ABC system and just need a couple questions answered about my problem On my way home from a friends house I got the abc warning drive careful light not knowing that my fluid had leaked out due to a leak I proceeded to drive home...
  2. K

    R230 - ABC Fluid level while engine running

    Just before Christmas I got the dreaded red ABC warning. Suspension went very floaty and the button to raise and lower stopped working. Got the car home and plugged it into SDS and had System Pressure Too Low and Malfunction in Pressure Supply faults. Pressure was reading around 110-115 bar (I...
  3. RyanSL500

    Looking for a garage to rebuild my ABC valve block

    Hi all, so might rear drives side has started to sag when standing on my R230. While at PCS it was discovered that the rear ABC valve block appears to be weeping. Having replaced the front valve block last year, I’d rather avoid paying C£1.5k again and discovered that there is a rebuild kit...
  4. N

    R231 SL500 -- or SL63 -- reliability/comparison

    So, I sold the SL55 -- I wanted to keep it forever but reliability worried me and I needed the cash for an investment (which is currently paying off, hence my new questions) I am now daydreaming of an R231 early SL500, or possibly the SL63 - But the first question my wife asks, what about the...
  5. Flyinspanner

    Oil ? Strange place

    Hi, Just been under the CL as I was going to change diff oil. (Aborted as I don’t have correct key...mine all too small) and I noticed this moist oily patch on the plastic undertray, appears to be clear fluid. -under n/s rear seat area. All pipes in out of area dry, not thrown from rear...
  6. D

    Tandem Pump

    Hi. Am currently replacing the seals & O rings on my ABC tandem pump. Have taken one of the 7 Allen bolts out that hold the spring & piston in. The bolts thread has broken in two for some reason. The other six bolts are fine. Does anyone know if the bolt cap can be purchased individually?
  7. K

    Major ABC anomaly

    Hi folks, I have a 2001 CL500 and I recently had the red ABC warning light. I took it to Mercedes and they charged an hours labour for diagnostics. They came back to me and said the ABC control module blew up. They even showed me a picture of a burned terminal. They wanted 1500 euro for parts...
  8. Malmair

    R230 ABC problem

    The left rear strut on My 2004 SL55 has suddenly become inoperative. Driving the car on Thursday and got a "grey" ABC fault "visit workshop" message, drove 10 miles to get home and could feel no difference with ride/handling. Switched off engine whilst moving cars to park it and when restarted...
  9. G

    Cl500 control arm punctured tyre

    Hi, Wondering if anyone could help me. I have a 2000 Cl500 W215. On friday i got a puncture in the near side front tyre. Went to change the tyre and it appears that a bolt from the suspension control arm has dug into the tyre and cut through the entire tyre as it has been rotating...
  10. 9

    cl500 rear abc fluid leak

    I recently suffered a bad leak on my rear suspension, first noticed when spotted hydraulic oil sprayed over rear wheel. eventually it went altogether and sank down on that corner. when I eventually got it home, I found that it was leaking from the a corroded section of rigid steel pipe inside...
  11. C

    ABC valve block rebuild parts (o-rings and spacers) sourced

    Mods, please move this to DIY section... OK Chaps, so after much poking around it has been determined that my wagon needs the front ABC valve block stripped out and cleaned due to gunk buildup. I've asked for it to be rebuilt as well- new O-rings and spacers- and in order to do this have...
  12. S


    I have just got my car (SL500 r230 2003) back from a Independent garage that has replaced the transmission control. On my second day of driving it i got the dreaded ABC red drive carefully message. I have just checked the ABC fluid (See picture 1) and it appears to be below the top two notches...
  13. S

    ABC pump help!

    Hi, does anyone have any good contacts or recommendations for where to get hold of an ABC pump? Mine's leaking oil and need replacing! It's for my R230 SL55 AMG 2004. Thanks in advance!
  14. C

    ABC issues

    Hi guys. I'm having some issues since the pump change and could do with some pointers please. I've just bought an iCarsoft i980 to allow me to clear and read codes and values. On turning the engine on I will usually get a red "drive carefully" with system pressure reading 4 bar. There is...
  15. C

    ABC pumps from

    Dear all, this website (and their eBay store) are selling reconditioned ABC pumps with a 24 month warranty on them for €450, plus carriage. In the last week I have ordered one. The price quoted does not include the return valve assembly (if you want a pump with this on, price increases to...
  16. C

    ABC parts- where to buy and how much

    Hello Mods, please can someone move this post to the relevant forum. This weekend I have sourced some ABC parts required for the CL W215 model. ABC pump: P/no A0034662401 from eBay shop. €449.50 plus postage. Reconditioned unit with 24 months warranty. ABC filter 3muL...
  17. L

    SL500 Suspension Setup - Romess

    Hi guys. I have now finished (and sold!) the SL55 - loved every minute working on and learning about all of it's problem areas and the associated fixes, including the massive wealth of info and help on here. So much so that I have bought another 'problem' car, as I miss not having a shiny, 2...
  18. T

    SL55 ABC mind of its own!

    Hi, I was in Park with the car running and noticed that it slowly raised it suspension up to maximum height. It then suddenly went back to the lowest setting, and the cycle started again. All four corners are doing the same. I switched off the car. Waited half hour and tried again. The...
  19. K

    ABC suspension - Driving with a broken pulsation damper

    My car (C216 CL500) developed a loud drone/ humming noise (engine speed correlated) over the weekend, Mercedes Mobilo came out and the technician said it's highly likely to be the pulsation damper by the ABC pump or a pipe that is touching the bodywork hence making the noise/vibration. He'd...
  20. L

    ABC symptoms at idle - SL55

    Hi all - have got some major work planned on the ABC system on my SL55 - valve block overhaul (x2), new accumulators, 1 x level sensor, fluid, filter etc.. but the only item I'm not (currently!) replacing is the Pressure Relief valve block. One of the symptoms I'm getting is an occasional...
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